Thursday 18 December 2008

Growing up in "The Troubles"

I grew up in the well known city of Belfast in Northern Ireland.I was oblivious to the "Troubles" until the age of about 7 or 8, then things became clear. We were a poor catholic family and had to take whatever council house we were offered, unfortunately wether it was in a protestant area or not. We were never in the same house for long because as soon as the neighbourhood found out that we were catholic, we would would get nonstop threats and eventually had no choice but to move before the threats were carried out. This meant that myself and three siblings have been to many different schools also and the count of house moves so far is at 31 and Im only 26!!

I remember things like the numerous bomb scares whilst at school and having to leave our belongings in class and line up in the playground. Stupid, I know but I recall loving this as it got me out of class!! But I was only a child and it became so routine that it didnt scare me anymore. There were usually snipers with guns at the ready, kneeling at the school gates when classes were finished for the day. My friends and I used to race down to the school gates to see who could get to them first because if we were lucky, a sniper would put their gun on safety and let us hold it!!

The first real tragic thing I saw in belfast was my friends dad get shot right in front of me in our street. I was only 10 years old and I remember being in hysterics when I saw the blood and everyone panicking and crying. Ill never forget it til the day I die.

Lrge groups of youngsters were the most intimidating, theyd hang around the shops and terrorise people. We were never allowed to go to the shops on our own and even mum dreaded going for essentials. It was horrible way to live. The police in their armoured vans or "meatwagons" would always be patrolling the streets but people werent afraid of them and theyd just get bricked and then riots would break out. Thats all that ever used to be on the news, deaths, violence and riots!! It really was sad that people couldnt get along despite their religion and Im glad Im out of it now!!

I have many stories to tell about growing up in belfast but i prefer not to relive it, it was sad and sickening place to grow up in. When I moved to Blackpool at 16, I swore Id never go back. The only time I did was when there was a death in the family a few years back. It looked pretty modernised in parts but in others it hadnt changed despite peoples claims that it had. I never want to go back again, I was afraid to walk the streets because of my memories of the place. Besides everyone has moved on and Im happier where I am now......

1 comment:

  1. You have a gift for writing, you take the reader in to your experances. We havea clear pic thorugh you. Great job
